thanks zhaoxiang for the *piak* (:
suddenly i feel this world iz a brighter place (: at least someone's willing to help me with my request (: although arvin did lightly and said i was mad yesterday (:
well.. some sense got into me today x) zhaoxiang's HALF-right. well, the only thing that will slap me hard in my face iz reality. and that already did. the other half iz when he said
- _ahsNCC `dELtA'05 *---Can there ever be pure friendship and no love?I believe it's possible!!!---* says:
i think got alot of pp teng u oso no time la
thanks, but i dun tink i can believe that!!! :D but thanks anyway (:
well sherwin was HALF-right too!! taking pleasure in pain.
Sadomasochism that's what you call it. well i had it researched up and yeah..
"The derivation of pleasure from the infliction of physical or mental pain either on others or on oneself" (Webster's Dictionary)
but den hor.... the way it's used iz ermerm yaaaaaaaa.. not so accurate in this case. so ignore the rest!! i'll juz give you the meaning. well the word is now commonly used to describe personality traits in an emotional sense - usually the desire to control another, or to be controlled. okay.. to solve some misunderstandings that might occur, NO, i'm not sadistic. and erm it's nothing more than juz a emotional sense!!!
yuppp. i'm fine and i will be. mood swings!! so yaaa.. pardon me! school begins soon. and did i say? my mum's FOR my revamping my room!!! my room's gonna get a new bed, new ledge, new coat of painT!! (: yayness. oh and did i say? my mum got me my own wireless (: now, i'm using VODAFONE. not free wireless k! (:
cya in school tmr.
*throbs @23:04 <3
There .
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